Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

It is strange how time goes by. After 3 years from that fateful election of PASOK and prime minister George Papandreou, who literally had no clue, or if he had it was not the interest of the people of Greece. Two years of deep recession and unemployment, one year from the Papadimas junta government and 6 months with the incompetent Samaras coalition. And we are sinking steadily into the abyss.
This is the first time in my life that the passing of the year finds me with no hope for a better new year. It is the first time that I think that there are no solutions. We are in deep and instead of the help we needed, we are kicked and stepped on for a quick profit by the other countries. Our politicians are just pawns. ?They just execute orders and I wonder if this is the future democracy of Europe and the world. 

The two big wars of the 20th century are there to teach us nothing. Only new ways to destroy nations, kill people in more humane ways and better propaganda in order to hide these atrocities and make people believe it is for their own good.  The only thing that makes us human and not animals is the altruism, the unconditional love for the other, no matter how strange or different.
I wish everybody a happy new year. If love can't preveil, then at least we would have tried.  

Monday, 10 December 2012

Peace Nobel price for the European Union! That is fantastic. And what's next, an Oscar for special FX?

Peace Nobel price for the European Union! That is fantastic. And what's next, an Oscar for special FX? All these fireworks are looking much like the peace treaties signed just before the war. The body of Europe is torn apart and a Nobel price is a bandage. It is not a joke, it is very serious, because it is clear now that economical powers have infiltrated everywhere.
It is a poor stand, though, so probably no Oscar for them.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

A dollar is good enough!

How about that! The Greek government passed all the laws that actually bring Greeks to medieval times, and yet EU, ECB and IMF now have second thoughts about giving the next loan (it is not free money, mind you, the interest rate is a killer) thus creating a new world wide wave of disbelief  for Greece, that not only ruins every chance Greece has to recover by attracting new investments, but also make all values in Greece drop, in a free fall.
It greatly reminds me of old westerns or gangster movies, where the mob chief went to buy the business from the rightful owners, and instead of reaching an agreement, he just appraised the business and had the thugs convince the victim. A dollar is good enough! And you get to live, too!
This trail of money has to end somewhere. The politicians of Europe have to built in different foundations, than debt. And I am not just saying because I am Greek and in debt, I am saying because this is a downward spiral, actually a war with many victims, that will not end in Greece, just stalling for the rest of the world, in Greece. If we tolerate this...

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Hit the fan

Two weeks after the general elections in Greece, and I still wonder why and how Greece with a debt of 350 billion Euros is still the center of everybody's attention and blamed for a global economic downfall. It is outrageous!
But let's take things from the top. 2 weeks ago the elections proved that Greeks just won't take any more lies about the "help" provided from EU and IMF as painful austerity measures, that lead straight to depression and Greece into a third world state. The proof that all they have been deciding and voting all this time was without the consent of the Greek people, was the  fact that the two major political parties of the last 35 years got around 30% of the voters, put together, while the leftist parties got more than 35% and the rest anti - memorandum parties that  got into the parliament gathered another 15%, total 50%, against the severe measures!!! If you count the rest parties that got less than 3% and didn't elect any representatives, you reach a staggering 62%!!!!
But still we hear everybody, mainly from the EU and IMF, saying that we have to elect a government that promises to keep on struggling the Greeks with the austerity measures that the memorandums have been forcing on us. 
Amongst others, the laws that were forced upon us:
1.In less than a year the average salary in the private sector is going to be 400-500 Euros and in the public sector 600-700 Euros, while the prices are still as high as in 2000, when salaries were almost double that. The final plan is to make Greece a cheap labour and tourist destination, with salaries no more than 150-200 Euros. That have been said from official lips! Even in Bulgaria or Romania, that such salaries are common, the state of the people and the public services plus the crime rate are worse than ever! They still prefer Greece, to come and work. 
2.The poverty limit is around 6000 Euros, but the tax limit has become 5000 Euros! If you have kids the taxation is even worse! People are selling their property because they can't stand the taxation, but nobody is buying! They can't afford to buy or to pay the taxes that come with them!
3.They cut down salaries, pensions, medical expenses, education etc, while they have raised the taxes (70 new taxes!, 5 instant taxes with retrospective power!) This means that people will be dieing from cold since there are more and more homeless each day. Every day more than 1000 people lose their job and they even have lowered the unemployment benefit. Hey, they are so clever that they tax it, after they've given it! 450 Euros  for a year, and then zip! And they have the nerve to tax it!

During this period, they have passed other laws, that have gone under the radar, since when you are on the look out for your daily meal you pay no attention for anything else.
1.Greek parliament has passed a law that forces every Greek to give away his organs if he is pronounced brain dead! Any doctor would take your organs with no need of any consent, if you are considered brain dead! That is Free will, in the land of democracy!
2.While all statistics point that the life expectancy is not going to be more than 72, and lowering every year, they have raised the working years to 40, with an age limit of 67! I work since I was 17, so it will be 50 years for me, and with no hope for a pension or proper health insurance, although I have been paying more than most of the Europeans for these benefits! (39% of my salary, before taxes!) 
3.They close hospitals, make us pay for the doctors and medicine that we already have been paying through our salary (the 39%)

The problem is that they have been fooling us for some time but they can not fool us all of the time, and this slow death of the economy and the people is the final straw. They blackmail us that we will suffer outside the Euro, but the alternative is to suffer inside the Euro without hope of recovery.

How would you feel if you were told what to do by the people that took destructive decisions for you ?

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Put your self in my shoes

Please put your self in my shoes. Imagine turning 36, and having a debt that is equal to two years paychecks. You do not have a job, you don't hope to get one, either because it is impossible to find one or because if you do find one, you can't live on such low salaries. I constantly hear that we have to pay what's owed, but the ones that took the money, are not the ones that are asked to pay. All my life I had the rule not to owe money, and suddenly I woke up one day and they tell me that I have to pay for someone else's debt. Then they start the war. Words falling around like bombs. You don't have a future, you should pay the debt, you have to sign a memorandum, you have to pay the interest first and then for your food and medicine, you should have the government I like, you should give away all your rights, you are doing great, you are not doing good.
Put your self in my shoes. Would you feel free, safe, hopeful and creative with all this? Would you tolerate this attitude from anybody? It is not a matter of money. It is a mater of human lives. It is a matter of turns. Our turn and if you tolerate this, your turn, right after.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

100 million Euros for advertisment

Just before the hasty elections of May 6th, the political parties, took 100 million Euros from the people, in order to advertise on TV, on the streets, cover old debts and pay their employees owed salaries, so they can work during the campaigns! At the same time they announce new pay cuts, pension cuts and new taxes. It is a meticulous thing, that no Greek should forget or forgive. They should not forget, that these are the same people that brought us to this messy state and now they promise to get us out, by doing the same old things. This is textbook insanity: doing the same thing and expecting different results. Of course this goes both ways, for the voters as well. They should not forget that not even one of them had the decency to resign from office when the situation got out of hand. Nobody ever thought of asking the people  if they agree with the EU constitution, the EU common monetary system,  the export and import taxes, the countless laws forced by the big countries of the EU and countless other things, to mention. I am pro Europe, but not like this. This is systematical strangulation of the poor and weak. Where is the moral teachings of WW2? Where is the hope we thought the fall of the Berlin wall and the Iron curtain would bring? Where are the wise politicians that we so much need, now? Everybody has studied something but people are not numbers to be simply counted. They have needs, physical and mental. They have stomachs, hearts, minds and souls. All this propaganda focuses on the urgent, that is the stomach (see money) while at the same time neglects all the others. So are we supposed to lay down and die of hunger, simply because the numbers don't add up?
Why should everything be connected with economy and translated in monetary value?
This ruins the planet, cause wars and killes millions of people.

I hope and pray that this will go away. Without bloodshed, without pain.  

Monday, 26 March 2012

What Money can buy.

How many people in the world wish to come to Greece each year? 10-20 millions? Surely more than the population of Greece itself. They save money for this big trip, and while they plan it, they picture several things in their minds. Some see it as a trip to some beautiful beaches under the sun, others are looking forward to visit Acropolis, and few, very few are actually feel like coming back home. Home to a place that accepts all homesick people as its citizens. Because it is here some of the biggest myths of all time were born and these myths have been feeding the consciousness of the world for thousands of years. And the biggest myth of all is that of Ulysses. The myth of returning to the place of origin, coming back home.
These people save money to come to Greece and yet, all Greeks will be forced to exile, in order to make some money, just to survive. Why are we driven away from home? With less than 200 years since the Greek revolution in 1821,  that we celebrated yesterday, this home of ours have never been peaceful for more than 30 years. Why?

Thursday, 22 March 2012

I gave her my hand, she took me by the arm. I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul.

Many Greeks believe in conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, what is going on can only be explained with such a theory. What tickles our national vanity, is the notion that everybody is after our civilization, our culture, our beautiful country and in general, they are jealous of us. Well, I tend to believe that this is all part of the bigger plan, to keep our minds busy away from the truth. Everything is done for PROFIT!
They do not want our heart. They do not wish for our soul. But it would be easier and more profitable if they can obtain both before the final take over.
With the European constitution we all extended and shook hands. But some countries grabbed us by the arm. I can't blame the people, but I do blame the big government policies that instead of promoting the United European ideal, they just used the opportunity to serve solely their countries, businesses, factories etc.  disregarding the cost for the European Union. 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

The story of Greece in the EU, from where I stand

In the late 70ies-early 80ies, Greece entered the European Union, from what I have heard for two reasons: as a favor and out of guilt. In today's logic, that everything has to be calculated and profit made, this sounds irrational, so for those believing in conspiracy theories, a third reason can be added, PROFIT.
Thirty years later, Greece is the first nation in Europe to be forced by the other members to seek funds through IMF.  This is weird, since the EU, had the necessary funds and ways to solve the problem at once without outside help and long  before the spreads for the 10 years bonds skyrocket. Two years later, and they still blame Greece, (actually the people of Greece, not the treacherous politicians that sign almost everything they are served, without reading it first) for not agreeing to the new colony-like treaties they are forcing the government to sign. The debt two years ago was smaller of what we owe now, and now they promised us a haircut, but with conditions so excruciating for the people, that they just can't work! And from what I hear, the same things will be asked, or have already being asked,  from the rest of the countries in trouble, the ones that the  stock market has named PIIGS. (Portugal, Ireland -I added Italy, Greece, Spain). But the media just won't reveal this truth to the people of these countries.

The people of the PIIGS  are not to blame, at least not entirely. At a consumer's world, all western countries consume more and more and the only thing that keeps Germany and France afloat, is the simple fact that they are the biggest countries of Europe, with the biggest industries and ways to force their will and products to the smaller countries. They sold technology, pharmaceuticals and many other products in high prices, while their governments agreed in lending the money to the countries willing to buy, turning the blind eye. Ignoring that these countries can't repay, or depending on this simple truth, in order to buy after a "meltdown" all these countries and  resources, for peanuts!  At the same time they have passed laws that completely ruined the infrastructures of smaller countries, introducing the laws of an international market without limits, thus making all local business too expensive to keep. The same goes for the USA, only the USA has also the military power to enforce their will and the unique currency to play all kinds of tricks with...

Now you may ask, how can some countries that actually regulate the things in the whole world and Europe, allow their banks to buy bonds from that very countries in order to profit and when this doesn't work, try to bail out the banks? I mean the spreads are way too high because there is danger in buying them. If you are willing to take the risk, you should expect to lose. And if you lose you should not force your will through your powerful government, to limit the damages. It sounds weird, isn't it? But let's see a simple fact. While all this lack of immediate actions from the EU skyrocketed the spreads of PIIGS bonds, and the greedy banks made a fortune overnight,  the IMF was called in and a series of treaties were signed. All these treaties, contained conditions that bailed out the banks! So not only did they gain when they could, but they actually received more money to survive during the crisis! It is obvious that banks are the tools to achieve the "new colonization" goals. They enhance the faulty perception of money, people have.

And then we had more conditions on these treaties. Apart from being bad, leading all the countries that signed them (without asking their people) into worse trouble, Greece (that I know of) is forced to receive help only from them. Which is weird because we could ask from other sources (namely the Chinese or the Russians), that were eager to help - invest.  So it is a power play among the countries of the world. The former prime minister Papandreou, that led us to this mess,  was rather USA inclined. Anyway, while we sustained substantial pay cuts, pension cuts, health care cuts and unemployment skyrocketed, with their blessing, they (mainly Germany and France and less USA) still FORCE us to sign new deals to buy WEAPONS, worth more that 4 billion Euros. The interest we have to pay for the loans in 2011 are 6 million Euros. So actually they lend us money to buy their toys. And in case we don't?
Back in the 80ies the EU was and named European monetary union. But with the new EU treaties and the passing of a European constitution which is actually stronger that the constitution of each country, we are more than a monetary union. Or at least that is what they claim. The troubles in Balkans are constant and although Greece is the only stable country in the region, with the added bonus of being an older EU member with the EURO, they never backed it up, forcing it to buy weapons and other things in form of PROTECTION. Why don't they end once and for all the problem with Greece's neighbors?  Maybe because they sell GUNS and technology to them as well, and also because they are a bigger market than Greece? It is a fact, that if you are a small nation, with enemies all around, you are bound to be the victim of a constant blackmail. Greece owes 370 Billion Euros, Italy 1,9 Trillion Euros and the USA 15 Trillion Dollars. Do the math, find what each citizen of these countries owe,  and you will understand that Greece, being the smallest of all,  is just the test lab for the new type of economical colonization, that if it works will be forced to the rest of the world.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

The sun of Greece

25 years ago I heard a joke. 
During a world conference, the representative of China meets the Greek representative. Interested about Greece, the China rep, asks about the population of Greece. Upon hearing the answer (10 millions) he asks: “And on which hotel are you staying?”
It is very difficult for people from big countries, population and/or size wise, like USA, Germany, France and U.K.  to understand the problems of a small country like Greece. Especially Greece. There are many countries with population close to the one Greece has, (Belgium, Portugal, etc.) but without the other special characteristics and conditions Greece has, only because of its place in the world map.
And that is only about the geopolitics of Greece, a thing that mostly interests the politicians and the companies behind them. It is not about the psychology of the people that live in it. Not about the special bond that Greeks have with this land, that is their home. Not about how they live and work under the same sun, that all world has, but call it Helios and have been calling it Helios for thousands of years.
When you are born in a strong country, it is easy to feel the protection that this country provides to the citizens and accept being a member of this society, with pleasure and gratitude. For Greeks, on the other hand, it has never been like that. The Greek history from ancient times proves just one thing: that Greeks chose to be Greeks. They chose to be the carriers and successors of a civilization, of a language, of a history. And they chose it willingly, knowing that it is a difficult task, because they lack either the special weight of a big population or a problem free region.  

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lies lies lies

In 2007, outside my door, a space ship landed. In 2008, I found out that the Holy Grail is hidden in my basement. In 2009, Greece’s debt nearly brought down the world stock market.
Now, tell me which one of the above sentences is correct. For those hasty enough to say the second one, let me tell you that the building in which I live, has no basement.   For the rest that linger between choices A and C, I must say that it is in fact a trick question and all the above sentences are lies.
I start this blog, for many reasons, but with just one purpose: to scatter the lies that are heard through the “official” media in Greece and most importantly abroad. Because the biggest damage these media are doing, is changing the fine opinion people have abroad about Greece and Greeks.
First of all let’s start with some facts. Greece’s debt, in form of government bonds, was in 2009 around 340 billion Euros. Now, after the PSI “haircut”, that it was supposed to help Greece, the debt is 370 billion Euros!
 What’s worse, the infrastructure that would help the country produce again in order to pay back the money owed, has been destroyed with countless new laws, that were impossible to work even in healthy economies. More over, lay offs of hundreds of thousands of workers and new taxes that have devoured all the little savings people had for the hard times, deepens the depression.
At the same time, in order to save money, the health system is “reorganizing”, meaning that fewer people will be able to have health care because fewer will be able to afford it! 
Education sector is facing a new budget cut, while Greece was already at the bottom of the list for the countries with minimum funds for education.
As if that is not enough the EU and IMF officials, force the Greek government (which in fact is not much of a government anyway) to sell the Electric company and the Water company, two profitable public companies, that offer to the people relatively cheap products, that are absolutely necessary to the people. Of course, since Greece is an easy target now, and is forced to sell, the price it can fetch for these companies is extraordinary small, while at the same time, the prices for electricity and water will surely go up, double or triple if a private company gets them. And already, many citizens in Greece are having trouble paying the electricity bill!