Friday, 27 September 2013

Ανοιχτή επιστολή-ερώτηση προς τα ΕΛΤΑ για την εξωφρενική αύξηση των τιμών.

 Την επιστολή αυτή την έστειλα επτά ημέρες μετά την επιβολή του νέου τιμοκαταλόγου, σε διάφορες υπηρεσίες των ΕΛΤΑ, στις αρχές Σεπτεμβρίου.  Έλαβα μιά τυπική ειδοποίηση ότι παρέλαβαν την επιστολή, αλλά όχι απάντηση. Επειδή το θέμα μας αφορά όλους και ίσως μια μόνον επιστολή διαμαρτυρίας να μην τους θορύβησε αρκετά, παρακαλώ όποιος μπορεί, μέσω της σελίδας των ΕΛΤΑ ( ας στείλει και αυτός μία επιστολή. Ίσως με 100.000 επιστολές να καταλάβουν τι ζημιά έχουν κάνει οδηγώντας σαφώς τα ΕΛΤΑ να γίνουν ελλειμματική επιχείρηση και το επόμενο θύμα στις ιδιωτικοποιήσεις που ετοιμάζει η κυβέρνηση. 

Αγαπητή/έ κυρία/ε,

Προχθές με μεγάλη μου κατάπληξη έστειλα για πρώτη φορά γράμματα και μικροδέματα στο εξωτερικό με τις νέες τιμές.

Θέλω να παρατηρήσω τα εξής:

1.Οι αυξήσεις στον νέο τιμοκατάλογο είναι υπερβολικές. Για το απλό γράμμα φτάνει το 18%!

2.Οι υποδιαιρέσεις για τα μεγάλα και τα ακανόνιστα μειώθηκαν και με αυτόν τον τρόπο η αύξηση για κάποιες επιστολές και μικροδέματα αυξήθηκαν σαφώς  100%!

3.Ως παραλήπτης γραμμάτων, διαπιστώνω ότι υπεύθυνοι για την μεγάλη αργοπορία στην παράδοση επιστολών και δεμάτων, απλών και συστημένων, είναι τα Ελληνικά ταχυδρομεία. Είναι δυνατόν να κάνει 2 μέρες από την Αμερική/Ευρώπη κα επτά από τα Σπάτα/Κρυονέρι; 

Σε μία Ελλάδα που χειμάζεται από την ανεργία έρχεται το ταχυδρομείο να επιβάλλει και την απομόνωση με τις νέες τιμές. Κάθε ελπίδα για εξαγωγές χάνεται, επειδή με τα αυξημένα ταχυδρομικά τα προϊόντα γίνονται  μη ανταγωνιστικά. 
Ειλικρινά δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί μέσα σε αυτό το κλίμα ανόητων αποκρατικοποιήσεων που έχει δημιουργήσει η κυβέρνηση, έρχονται τα ΕΛΤΑ με αυτή την κίνηση για να δώσουν τροφή στους υπέρμαχους των ιδιωτικοποιήσεων.

Θα σας παρακαλούσα να αναθεωρήστε αμέσως τον τιμοκατάλογο, επαναφέροντας αρχικά τις υποδιαιρέσεις  στα μεγάλα και ακανόνιστα και μειώνοντας τις τιμές. 

Με εκτίμηση
Βασίλης Γόνης

Ενημέρωση 1 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Επειδή θέλω να είμαι δίκαιος, σήμερα έλαβα μιά επιστολή από τα ΕΛΤΑ, όπου ανακοινώνουν ότι αποφασίστηκε η επαναφορά 2 εκ των υποδιαιρέσεων βάρους που είχαν αφαιρεθεί,  καθώς και κάποιων άλλων "προωθητικών δράσεων" για   να "βοηθήσουν τις επιχειρήσεις και τους καταναλωτές να εναρμονιστούν σταδιακά στις νέες τιμολογιακές ρυθμίσεις".
Παρότι δεν υπήρξε επιστροφή στον παλιό τιμοκατάλογο και οι υπόλοιπες ενέργειες είναι για να βοηθήσουν να εναρμονιστούμε εμείς στις νέες τιμές, επανέφεραν τουλάχιστον 2 κατηγορίες βάρους.

Το γεγονός ότι απάντησαν ήταν η πιό  θετική εξέλιξη όλων.

Απλώς αναρωτιέμαι εάν όλα αυτά δεν είναι παρά ο τρόπος με τον οποίο περνάει η κυβέρνηση τα τελευταία 4 χρόνια όλα τα άσχημα, ανακοινώνοντας κάτι κατάφωρα άδικο-στα όρια του παραλόγου- ώστε μετά να ανακοινώσει κάτι πιό ήπιο και να θεωρούν όλοι ότι κέρδισαν...

Monday, 9 September 2013

Standards of living

I came across this:

Even though it is, basically, statistics that I don't like, mostly because they present results that can be easily explained one way or the other, this is interesting because the whole subject is the standards of living. I have noticed some peculiar results, but they all depend on the factors they use to extract the numbers. Just keep in mind that since the wealthiest people in the world reside in certain countries, how they "change" the real outcome. I remind you that many big countries "paid" in people lives the reforms and their growth (Argentina, Russia etc.) while some other countries due to cultural and historical reasons, accept some things without much protest for changes (India, China etc.)
Anyway, it is statistics, take a look because it is very indicative what is going on and what will happen next to some other nation  if there is no response from all the people of the world.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Lab rats in Greece

A few years ago, one year after the beginning of the crisis, I came across a book. It had been something quite impressive for me, because an employer would give it away as  a gift to all his employees and so I took the time to  read it. It was the story, metaphorical and highly instructive, of some laboratory mice, that they suddenly lose their food (yes, cheese) from the set point which they were accustomed of finding it. Some of them, full of insecurity, returned again and again to the same point,  hoping that the food will reappear, while others, searched the rest of the  labyrinthine corridors in order to find food elsewhere. The writer's  very didactic style, supports those mice that turned the loss of safe foraging in an "opportunity" to explore other possibilities and they would MOST likely find somewhere else,  better and more food. The MOST is capitalized in order to hide in the shadow of it,  the "likely". Because what they do is replacing your real and certain food with nothing but a  a possibility.What I realized was that the employer of these people would probably sack a lot of them and wanted to bring it nice and easy. But this grandiose in conception book written by an american manager, brings to the  surface some of the policies of our current government. Converts citizens into mice. The structures of the state become a maze and finding work is the modern arena. They "sell" certainty when essentially our only certainty is that we have already been sold. They have turn into a  matter of coincidence and luck, if some will find food, and when. The author takes for granted  that such searches always have a happy ending. We all know that lab mice  always die young, for one reason only: it is their job. Nobody will throw food as reward for exploring the maze, unless it is a part of the experiment. But to bring this into a conclusion, which people wish such a fate? Who wants to be a mouse? And most of all, who have given such divine powers in the Governments of  all the countries of their world  to control their fellow human (?)

Πριν απο μερικά χρόνια, 1 χρόνο μετά την αρχή της κρίσης, έπεσε στα χέρια μου ένα βιβλίο. Μου είχε κάνει τρομερή εντύπωση γιατί κάποιος εργοδότης θα το έκανε δώρο σε όλους τους υπαλλήλους του και έτσι κάθησα και το διάβασα. Ήταν η ιστορία, μεταφορική και άκρως διδακτική, μερικών ποντικών εργαστηρίου, που ξαφνικά χάνουν την τροφή τους (ναι, τυρί) από το καθορισμένο σημείο που την είχαν συνηθίσει. Κάποια από αυτά, γεμάτα ανασφάλεια, επιστρέφουν πολλές φορές στο ίδιο σημείο με την ελπίδα ότι το φαί θα ξαναπαρουσιαστεί, ενώ κάποια άλλα, ψάχνουν στους άλλους δαιδαλώδεις διαδρόμους για να βρούν αλλού τροφή. Ο συγγραφέας με λίαν διδακτικό ύφος, υποστηρίζει στην παρομοίωσή του αυτή τα ποντίκια που μετέτρεψαν την απώλεια της ασφαλούς εύρεσης τροφής σε μία "ευκαιρία" να εξερευνήσουν και άλλες δυνατότητες και ΠΟΛΥ πιθανόν να βρούν άλλου καλύτερη και περισσότερη τροφή. Το ΠΟΛΥ είναι με κεφαλαία για να κρύψει στην σκιά του το πιθανόν. Γιατί αυτό με το οποίο σου αντικαθιστούν την βέβαια τροφή είναι μία πιθανότητα.
Αυτό που συνειδητοποίησα, ήταν ότι πιθανόν εκείνο το αφεντικό θα εδιωχνε πολύ κόσμο και ήθελε να τους το φέρει μαλακά. Όμως αυτό το μεγαλειώδες σε σύλληψη βιβλίο γραμμένο από αμερικανό μάνατζερ, φέρνει στη επιφάνεια μερικές από τις πολιτικές της σημερινής κυβέρνησης. Μετατρέπει τους πολίτες σε ποντίκια. Τις δομές του κράτους σε δαίδαλο και την εύρεση εργασίας σε αρένα. Μας πουλάει βεβαιότητα, όταν ουσιαστικά μας η μόνη βεβαιότητα είναι ότι ήδη μας έχει πουλήσει. Είναι τυχαίο εάν κάποιοι θα βούν τροφή, καθώς και το πότε. Θεωρεί ότι τέτοιου είδους αναζητήσεις έχουν πάντα ευτυχή κατάληξη. Όλοι ξέρουμε ότι τα ποντίκια του εργαστηρίου πάντα πεθαίνουν νέα, για έναν και μόνο λόγο: αυτή είναι η δουλειά τους. Κανείς δεν θα τους ρίξει φαγητό ως επιβράβευση που εξερεύνησαν τον λαβύρινθο, εκτός και εάν είναι μέρος του πειράματος. Αλλά για να καταλήξω, ποιός άνθρωπος επιθυμεί τέτοια μοίρα; Ποιός θέλει να μοιάζει με ποντίκι; Και το κυριότερο ποιός έχει δώσει τέτοιες θεικές αρμοδιότητες στους κυβερνώντες όλων των χωρών για τους συν-ανθρώπους τους(;)


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Dictatorship in Greece-Closing down the Public TV & Radio-Darkness over Greece

If you don't dare fire them, shut down the business altogether. Today, the Greek governmental representative announced the closure of ERT, the Public broadcasting system of Greece. Effective immediately 2700 people were fired and it was announced that from tomorrow ERT TV and radio stations will stop transmitting. At the same time all personnel will not be allowed at the premises. This is one of the most dictatorial decisions this government has taken, in an illegal way, not voted by the parliament! I guess this was the only way to please the IMF/ECB/EU that has ordered 2000 people from the public sector being laid off before the end of June. Now the information and news will be "transmitted" only through the remaining private TV and radio stations, which by the way most (if not all) are illegal, with no permits and owing large sums of money to the government.

22:54 and all the stations stop transmitting.

By the way the rest of the  private channels do not think this is a big thing, a solid reportage and everyone continues its regular program as if nothing is going on!  Their reporters thought it  best to go on a "support"strike instead of broadcasting the massive congregations of protestors.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

A reply to "The Economist"

A reply to "The Economist"

Electing Grillo is not about a sense of humour. It is one of the few ways left to people to cast a valid vote, if not one expressing them completely, at least a desperate vote that yells CHANGE. Change from the way the economic forces try to shape the world and the consciousness  of the people, with propaganda. It is a different perspective of the world, where the center is the human being and not numbers; against greed in disguise.  And anyway humour can be vitriolic and burn the gangrene of the old political thinking and pure economical decisions that has led the world to its current state. We certainly have to look for the real reasons for this recession, in order to resolve the problem, instead of forcing people with the same failing measures that have initiated the Second World War.
If the REALITY,  people are trying to avoid,  is the reality of debt, the reality of money as the only value, the reality of wealth and control through suffering, the reality presented through the mainstream Media that is actually the reality of their rich owners or patrons, then they have every right to do it. And since it is about the future generations as well, that can't fight yet for their rights, it is an obligation.
In Italy a quarter of the electorate didn't show up to vote! What a surprise! In Greece as well! But this is not because they don't care, but because they either don't know where to cast their vote, since nobody represents their ideas, beliefs, hopes, view of life, or they believe that a massive abstinence will at least send some kind of signal to the political world or make the politicians aware that they are elected from the "majority of the minority" and therefore should be careful of the real majority.
I am not going to speak for any of the candidates. I have very limited knowledge of their exact doings. But the way Berlusconi and Grillo are presented is scandalous. While Monti gets an almost standing ovation for following a path that haven't resolved any problems, only sent them a bit further into the future.

The election results are not a disaster for Italy. The same was written for the May 2012 Greek elections. Unfortunately the spreading of fear amongst Greeks led to a dishearting June result, which actually was no change at all, with the previous administration.  So, how can a reporter say such thing right from the start? It is like you have accepted only one way as a solution (IMF, EU, ECB solutions), that by the way, has not worked for any country. But this also means that you won't allow for any other solution to evolve and put to use! And then the mention of the markets that "reacted" to this! It is outrageous! This is where the mistake of the whole system is. The stock market! And if you think that I have no grasp with reality, well, see were the stock market reality has led the whole world! Do you think that playing in the stock market is a productive job? Do you think that arguing for the price of oil and rice the world gets better? No some people get richer without lifting a finger, while hard working people in another part of the world suffer the consequences.

A reform! A real reform is, going back to the only true value, as revealed after the WWII,  that of the human life. Not as merely an existence, but as  meaningful dignified beings, with rights and obligations. With unlimited free access to education, health and medicine, technology and communication, time and means to raise a family or create something useful and beautiful, and in return offer this accumulated  knowledge and services, to the world. That will eventually make money a tool again, the exact purpose they were created,  and not a value.
And then you throw in the numbers about zero growth! Well if you have grown so big, why grow more! You call France's electing a socialist president a "run away from change". Well, to tell you the truth,  I doubt that he will go into radical changes to the way you imply, so don't worry! Anyway, if he doesn't change the economical way of thinking imposed on our lives and turning us into numbers and simple "consumers", he is bound to fail.
There are no special design plans for the countries. It is just austerity measures. Do you think that AAAs would let any other country get better, if this means a competitor in exports, technology or any other field? Fat chance.
And then the Japan example tops it all! What kind of analyst fails to take into account the changes in the world, from the fall of USSR to the China and India "miracle" of low salaries, heavy industry without a care about the environment and vast exports, at all costs? How can any country in the western world  compete and prevail with such competition? With austerity? And who will consume these products, no matter how cheap, if there are no money in the market whatsoever? Even those few with triple AAAs and relatively healthy economies that are now feasting like vultures from colonial times, creating crises, inventing solutions and buying out at the low prices they have determined, after these solutions fail, will face the same economical  and social problems, in the near future.
The solution is somewhere else and not in dealing with numbers. The longer we believe this is an economical problem, the deeper this problem will get. And the deeper it gets, less people will be able to identify the problem due to the lack of education, time and means. In the end people will be so lost, that they will end up hitting everybody around them, without ever touching the heart of the problem. And if this sounds like a new war, you are correct. Truth is, it has already started and one of the great battles is this one with the Media.       

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Visiting Athens, Greece

This is Acropolis. In front of it you can see the theater built by Herodis of Attika, called Herodio. It is one of the finest theaters in the world.  And on the right in the distance you can see Lycabetus hill, a lovely green hill with stoney summits. The highest one has a small chappel, dedicated to Agios Georgios, while just beneath the other summit you can find one of the most beautiful modern open theaters. This photo is taken from a third hill, very close to Acropolis, called Philopapou hill. It is paved by one of the best Greek artist, Pikionis and on top of the hill you will find Philopapou monument. If you keep on walking to the direction of the sea, you will find yet another theater, the one of Dora Stratou. 
 This scenery is a part of Athens, perhaps the one that most tourists come to see. It is beautiful. And regardless of what you listen on your TV sets, the rest of Athens and Greece is quite peaceful, as well. Despite the economic crisis and the 1.5 million unemployed ( that are not visible in this photo and as a matter of fact it is hard to spot them while you are visiting) Greece is one of the safest places in the world.
In two days, the first day of spring arrives. I was wondering how many springs and summers, winters and autumns we are going to lose, unable to enjoy this scenery that we have, because of the so called crisis. I was wondering why and I just figured out why the 20th century had two World Wars and countless others. And I realized that a new war has started.
Oh, believe me I don't like stereotypes, but I can tell you this: brain wash is not a new thing, but it has never being used with so many casualties. You don't have to kill people. You just deprive them of their time. You ultimately take away their life.  

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The secret of OZ

What a great documentary! The Secret of OZ! Everybody should see it in order to realize what is going on with the debts and money all over the world, USA, Europe and even Greece.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Divide and sell

It used to be easy to tell apart dictatorship from democracy, but not anymore. Chomsky decades ago, used to say that it is very hard to tell apart a terrorist from a freedom fighter. The control of the Mass Media by wealthy multi millionaires that influence the political life of every country, in order to expand their businesses by sear money power, usually makes this distinction even harder. 

But it is obvious that what we call "common sense" is neither common, nor it makes any sense. What I mean is that you can't have all these politicians fighting over who is to blame, and never assuming responsibility. It is not logical to vote for new laws that disintegrate our every day life and when people protest,  politicians find the protest unlawful and punish it. It is not sane to be a politician elected by your people but actually act and think in favor of the lenders.  The last 4 years NOT even ONE useful law was passed. Only laws that ruined the infrastructure of Greece and led to the lay off of more than a 1,000,000  million people.  And that leads to a downward spiral. Less money from working people more taxes somewhere else. Smaller paychecks for all, less taxes from consumption. Lesser  consumption, fewer jobs. What is even worse is that their inability to get the big tax evaders, will mathematically lead to further reduction in salaries. So, other people steal other people get punished.

If these geniuses that studied abroad and claim to be great in what they do,  couldn't predict this simple truth, they are not worthy of their diplomas or their government seats. So either they are no good, or they do it for a treacherous  purpose to the interest of the people that they represent. Either way they should be held responsible and face justice. And since justice is as corrupted as them, they should expect  a real outburst, from the common people.

It is divide and sell. Attack people with everything you've got. In the meantime you will be able to sell Greece by the km, hoping that nobody will have the time, money and courage to realize,  disagree and protest.  

Monday, 21 January 2013

Visiting Acropolis on winter Sundays

I don't know how things work in Europe and the rest of the world, but when it comes to my country's history and culture, I feel that I have the right to learn them, without paying a fortune. If nothing else, it is what creates the conscience of a nation. And God knows we need this now.
Until March 2012, there was a very nice law, that allowed all people from EU (Greeks included) to access all the museums and archeological sites for free, every Sunday from November till March. This was the best way to help all Greeks learn their history and appreciate their culture by visiting the museums and archeological sites, without actually losing revenue, since these months were actually low tourist season. Note that in a united Europe, if only Greeks were allowed for free, it would be a case of inequality for the rest of the Europeans. So by choosing this season and especially Sundays, they by-passed the problem and  families were able to visit all these places. What's more, most archeological sites are at the same time nice places to have a walk and enjoy nature, since Athens is the only city in Europe with almost no parks! 

But with great surprise I found out this Sunday that the ministries of tourism and culture (I really don't know which one is responsible, but probably the ministry of economics, the IMF and EU, as well)  have changed this. From now on, only the first Sunday of each month (total 5) are free for EU citizens. The price for visiting Acropolis is now 12 Euros, per adult!  It is really a very rude reminder of how sensitive matters like this are lost in the bulk of stupid news.

For those that they think that 12 Euros is not much, let me remind you that 600 Euros is considered a good salary in Greece and two adults in a family means automatically 24 Euros!  For those arguing that there are more people outside drinking coffee, and that they could deprive themselves of it and pay for the ticket, I can only say that a coffee costs 3 Euros max, and anyway these people wouldn't visit these places. For me and many other families, it was the easier, cheaper and most rewarding Sunday outing. Some say that  5 Sundays is an OK number. But they forget that these Sundays are during the wintertime and  rain, snow or severe cold is enough to spoil it for you.

I don't know how much they expect to collect from this. I don't expect much. Today Acropolis and the Ancient Marketplace (Archea Agora) were practically empty! And it was such a lovely day! We had to settle by going to the near by Philopapous hill. Which, for those that don't know or remember, was about  to be fenced and become a pay for "archeological site" but fortunately stopped by free thinking people.